A Complete Guide to Downloading and Using Sigmatek Lasal Class Software for Your Automation Projects
Sigmatek Lasal Class Software Download: A Comprehensive Guide
If you are looking for a powerful and user-friendly engineering tool for your automation projects, you might want to consider Sigmatek Lasal Class Software. This software is designed to help you create flexible and reusable machine applications with object-oriented programming and graphic representation. In this article, we will show you what Sigmatek Lasal Class Software is, how to download it, how to use it, how to compare it with other engineering tools, and how to learn more about it.
Sigmatek Lasal Class Software Download
What is Sigmatek Lasal Class Software?
Sigmatek Lasal Class Software is a project development software that enables you to program and design your control tasks in compliance with IEC 61131-3 standard. It is part of the Engineering Platform LASAL, which also includes other tools for visualization, motion control, safety technology, service, diagnostics, and remote maintenance. With Sigmatek Lasal Class Software, you can create software objects that represent real machine components and use them in your application software. You can also use predefined software components from the extensive LASAL Libraries, which cover various topics and functions. Moreover, you can use different programming languages, such as ST, LD, ANSI-C, Interpreter, and SFC, as well as the scripting language Python, to generate and modify your machine software.
Features of Sigmatek Lasal Class Software
Some of the main features of Sigmatek Lasal Class Software are:
Object-oriented programming and design in compliance with IEC 61131-3 standard
Graphic representation that ensures a clear overview of the project
Modular and reusable software objects that reduce engineering times and costs
Predefined software components from the LASAL Libraries that simplify application development
Graphical Hardware Editor that allows you to place hardware as mounted in the control cabinet
Support for different programming languages, such as ST, LD, ANSI-C, Interpreter, and SFC
Online debugging tool that helps you find and fix program errors quickly and easily
Scripting language Python that enables the automatic generation and modification of machine software
Data Analyzer that enables the real-time display of signal characteristics
Visual Object View (VOV) that allows you to use your visualization objects from LASAL SCREEN directly in LASAL CLASS
Variant Editor that enables you to manage any number of machine configurations in only one project
LASAL Machine Manager that controls the data flow and communication in multi-CPU applications
LASAL OPC UA Server that enables manufacturer- and platform-independent data exchange directly on the controller
Benefits of Sigmatek Lasal Class Software
Some of the main benefits of using Sigmatek Lasal Class Software are: