Flexlm For Ansoft License Server Does Not Support
Discussion: This error indicates that the FLEXlm routines in the application are unable to make a TCP connection to the server and port specified in the license file. Possible causes/solutions for this behavior are listed below 1.) PROBLEM: The wrong license file is being referenced by IDL. SOLUTION: Verify that the application is using the proper license file. Check the paths and spelling of the licenses listed in the "license path" indicated in the error message. 2.) PROBLEM: The server machine specified in the license file is down; SOLUTION: Verify that specified server machine is up and reachable by executing another command that uses TCP, such as ping, from the client to the server. For example, if the IP address of the license server machine "myserver" is 123.456.789.0, open a DOS command prompt on the IDL client machine and issue the command: ping 123.456.789.0 or ping myserver TCP must be available on both the client and the server machines in order to use a floating license. If network problems are suspected, contact your system administrator for assistance. 3.) PROBLEM: The license manager service is running but the IDL vendor daemon specified in the DAEMON line of the license file (IDL_LMGRD.exe) is not running; SOLUTION: Check the license manager debug log file and run the lmstat command to try to determine if the vendor daemon is down and to get clues about how to resolve the problem=: a.) Verify that the vendor daemon is running. Check the license manager debug log file that was specified when configuring the license manager. b.) Examine the license manager debug log file to see if any problems are reported, particularly messages indicating that the vendor daemon has quit. c.) Run lmstat -a from the server machine to verify that the vendor daemon is alive. For example, if your IDL 6.4 installation is located at C:\Program Files\ITT\ IDL64 and license manager was started using a license file with the following SERVER line:
flexlm for ansoft license server does not support
Where 1700 is the number at the end of the SERVER line of the license file and "myserver" is the name of the license server machine as it appears in the license file. 4.) PROBLEM: The host name in the license file is not recognized by the system; SOLUTION: If the license manager or the vendor daemon (idl_lmgrd) is down, make the necessary corrections to the license manager setup on the license server machine and then start or restart the FLEXlm license manager service on that server machine. (Note that the FLEXlm license manager service for an ITT license should only be started (only one instance), on the designated license server machine that is listed in the SERVER line of the license file.) Information about configuring, starting and stopping the FLEXlm license manager on Windows 2000 or XP can be found in the "License Management Guide" (license.pdf) in the IDL Online Manuals of your installation or on your product CD. 5.) PROBLEM: The network between the client machine and the server machine is down. SOLUTION: Run lmstat -a (see item (3c) above) from the client machine to verify the connection from client to vendor daemon across the network. Also run lmdiag to get additional clues about a network related problems and how to resolve them in the context of this problem. For example:
If a connection is established, the DOS prompt will not be returned since a TCP connection has been established with the license manager service. However, if a connection is not established this may indicate that the license manager is not running properly or that there is a network communication problem between the client and the server machine. (Close the DOS window to end a telnet connection to the license manager.) SOLUTION: If there is no firewall up open the 'license.dat' file, in a plain text editor, and change the hostname to the IP address of the computer. For example, if the SERVER line in the license data file reads:
Hello, I recently tried to install our new license on the license server (Windows OS). In order to do so, I make a necessary edit to include the correct port number and change the file extension to '.lic'. Is this correct? Also, previous files had license-ansoft__.lic in the file name thisyear the file received had license- ansys_hybrid___.txt. Could that be the problem? The VENDOR listed in the file is also different from last year's file (ansyslmd has never been the VENDOR before this year). I cannot allow the ANSYS License Manager to delete the software currently being used to manage the license because it is used for other licensed products. Please advise if there could be an error with the file (did we receive the correct license). Please see below for the error messages:
Yes, client communicates with server via two TCP ports. FlexNet (lmgrd) uses 1055 by default (this is what you see in your license file) and the ANSYS vendor daemon (ansyslmd) uses dynamics port by default but you can set it to be static by modifying the VENDOR line in every your installed license (.lic) files
Are any of the lines above incorrect? When I try to start the license manager, the message states the license server has been successfully started but the STOP sign is showing instead of the green check mark. Also can you elaborate on what is meant by "Set Site Preferences"? I select an option and the GUI does not open and I get "Could not make an SSL handshake with server 2325@comsare-license. Connection timed out while handshaking with server." Why is the port number 2325? Is there a way to setup the license server without using the Interconnect?
that's the 2325 I was asking about. The port number at the end of the server line in the license file is 27002. From your reply, it sounds like I am not using the correct software for license management or the EM software. I do not have Flexlm software installed and when I select lmgrd.exe (it's listed in ANSYS Inc win64 folder after installation), the cmd prompt window flashes and then nothing. Yes, my apologies, that was a typo on my part.
Due to some campus-wide changes, I no longer have administrative privileges for most of the client machines that need the license; therefore, I cannot install any new software. Before I can proceed, I need the server to work. The machine that has the Telnet Service enabled returns: "Could not open a connection to the host on port 23: Connection failed."
Thanks for the info. You don't have to worry about the Server ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility tool. This tool is rarely used nowadays (there are some customization that can be done here but 99% of the time, you don't need to customize it). You can directly launch ANSYS License Management Center GUI and mange the license server in this tool.
You probably can't get HFSS 15.0 to work. It requires certain license feature that has already been retired. Your current license file should not have this license feature anymore (this is called hfss_desktop). I would note that this does not result in Flex -96 error, but even if you get past this Flex -96, you are going to end up with Flex -18 because hfss_desktop does not exist in your license file.
OverviewA quick summary: After updating the Ansys license manager and license file to 2021 R1 on the license server, Ansys Mechanical Suite, and Ansys Electronics (EM) Suite all versions from 2020 R2 back to 17.0, on client installations will experience license errors. The current release, 2021 R1, of these suites is NOT affected.
Contact and Support
Platform(s):Ansys Suites for Linux and Windows
Customers:All customers using an Ansys Mechanical Suite version 2020 R2 back to 2017 are affected.
All customers using Ansys Electronics (EM) Suite version OLDER than 2020 R1 are affected.
About:12/3/2021---IMPORTANTANSYS rolled out updated license increments to their customers as part of their commitment to deliver a simplified, modern licensing experience. With the December update, WebStore installed a new ANSYS License File, which is required as part of the renewal process, to use these updated increments. As a result, all versions of the Ansys from 2020 R2 back to 2017 will not be able to use the new license.Starting 12/6/2021, license preferences will need to be manually reset or the 2021 R1 version of the Ansys Suites will need to be installed.Ansys Electronics (EM) Suite, includes Electronics and SystemsElectronics software older than 2020 R1 is not supported by these new licenses. Please update to at least 2020 R1 or newer.If you encounter this error in Ansys EM 2020 R1 or newer: [error] Failed to enable feature using current license settings. Note that Pro, Premium, Enterprise licenses are available on your server. To use these licenses check the corresponding UI option. For more information, search for "PPE" in the help documentation. Failover feature 'HFSS solver' is not available. Request name hfss_solve does not exist in the licensing pool. No such feature exists. Feature: hfss_solve License path: 1055@Server1; FlexNet Licensing error:-5,147 (9:03:01 AM Jun 11, 2021) [error] Simulation was terminated by license error. (9:03:01 AM Jun 11, 2021)Please see this solution: -error-note-that-pro-premium-enterprise-licenses-are-available-on-your-server Ansys Mechanical Suite, includes Fluids and StructuresVersion 2021 R1 is supported, no change is needed.Versions 2020 R2 back to 2017 require the License preferences be Reset to Default in order for Ansys to run. Use the User License Preference, Start > All Programs > ANSYS (version installed) >User License Preferencesto Reset to DefaultOn the solver tab, click Reset to Default
In the ANSLIC_ADMIN window click Continue and then OK.
IMPORTANT Repeat this for each of the additional tabs, PrepPost, Geometry, and HPC
Exit the License Preference utility
Now Ansys should run.
Contact and Support:For further questions please contact the WebStore.